What is list in python??

In python, list is a type of array or a container where you can store different types of data. The elements stored in a list are ordered and indexed in a definite sequence and indexing is done with 0. It is mutable, heterogeneous and sequential data structure in python, which supports efficient insertion, appending ,Read More

For loop in Python

Table of content: What is a for loop and why we need it? Syntax and flowchart of for loop The range() function Nested loops.   What is a for loop and why we need it? For loop is a method used for iterating elements. With the help of for loop we can check the statementRead More

Python List Comprehension

Python List Comprehension is the idea that is not common in most of the language. It is basically used to generate a list of elements having some specific property. Moreover, Python List Comprehension make code smaller but effective. The basic structure consist of Python List Comprehension three parameters. Variable Expression for output A variable representingRead More